How To Preserve Your Wedding Bouquet. Once you've chosen a company, all you have to do is drop off or ship your bouquet to a preservationist as soon after the wedding as possible (a day or two is best). You may have to pack the bouquet in a padded cardboard box or cooler that either you or the company provides—depending on the policy of the pro you pick.
Preserve your wedding bouquet with Leigh Florist! from
Air drying your bouquet is another simple and traditional way to save your flowers. Unwrap the bouquet and cut away any tape or ties. You may have to pack the bouquet in a padded cardboard box or cooler that either you or the company provides—depending on the policy of the pro you pick.
Preserve your wedding bouquet with Leigh Florist!
You may have to pack the bouquet in a padded cardboard box or cooler that either you or the company provides—depending on the policy of the pro you pick. This process also takes a few weeks to complete, but your flowers will preserve more of their shape with this method than with pressing. You may have to pack the bouquet in a padded cardboard box or cooler that either you or the company provides—depending on the policy of the pro you pick. It’s a wonderful way to display them that keeps the colour and shape so you can look at them every day and be reminded of your wedding.