Not Having A Wedding Ceremony. An out of town guest may not mind throwing down several hundred dollars to witness your marriage and celebrate with you but might feel misled and would not have paid the money to travel just to attend a party. Sure, most people prefer having a ceremony and then immediately after that, a reception.
Lightly Dappled Our Wedding The Ceremony from
My point is, there is no right way to get married and celebrate it. The wedding industry in the united states , as of 2016, is worth an estimated $55 billion. With that said, there is at least one reason why a lack of ceremony might indicate a lack of legal marriage.
Lightly Dappled Our Wedding The Ceremony
The wedding industry in the united states , as of 2016, is worth an estimated $55 billion. If you had a civil court wedding and no ceremony with friends/family, then maybe had a reception, looking back did you regret it? While a marriage certificate is generally issued at a county clerk, the certificate must be signed by some kind of officiant. An out of town guest may not mind throwing down several hundred dollars to witness your marriage and celebrate with you but might feel misled and would not have paid the money to travel just to attend a party.