Wedding Bouquet Toss Songs. If you're a huge country music fan, it's only fitting that your bouquet toss song should be a country song. Bouquet toss songs are songs played as the bride tosses her floral bouquet to all of the single women at the wedding reception.
Pin by Jackie R on Wedding (With images) Bouquet toss songs from
Gold digger by kanye west. If your wedding has a rustic aesthetic or a country feeling, then you can capitalize upon the atmosphere with a country bouquet toss song. You can enhance the bouquet toss with a drum roll or a song.
Pin by Jackie R on Wedding (With images) Bouquet toss songs
The entire practice of the bouquet toss can seem quaint, recalling bygone eras when superstitions held powerful sway. Bouquet toss songs are songs played as the bride tosses her floral bouquet to all of the single women at the wedding reception. The entire practice of the bouquet toss can seem quaint, recalling bygone eras when superstitions held powerful sway. Check out our roundup of the 87 best bouquet toss songs in every genre and find the perfect song.